An Authorised Financial Services Provider FSP NO: 32338
The purpose of personal and corporate wealth management is to actively promote financial literacy and empowerment of its clients and through ongoing financial planning and education that protects and creates wealth for our clients and stakeholders.
Our raison d’être is to fight the poor savings culture and debt trap, which undermine the socio-economic development of South Africa. Our purpose as life insurance intermediaries is to actively build a community that cares for its old, sick, disabled, widowed, orphans and thereby reduce poverty and create wealth for our clients.
The financial services sector globally and in Southern Africa is undergoing very drastic changes and facing serious challenges that impact greatly on the financial security of individuals and businesses. We list below a few of these:
Globalisation – ensuring great opportunity for a few and greater marginalisation of many and makes it possible for investors to invest anywhere in the world. Markets are now more volatile and more interconnected resulting in investments becoming complex and wide-ranging.
Inflation – not dead yet and leading to massive losses for individuals and companies that do not manage wealth creation in a professional manner.
Taxation - the government is very determined to sharpen its tax collection and enforcement mechanisms which call for more expert advice to reduce tax bills of companies and individuals.
We invite you to ponder over these and many more changes and challenges and how they affect you now and in the future! In particular it is important to see this in the backdrop of the South African reality of the following:
- The high incidence and ravages of the vicious cycle of poverty.
- Poor savings culture in SA is below 1% of GDP compared to Japan’s 25%.
- The Debt Trap that majority of South Africans find themselves in.
- The education system that disempowers individuals in the understanding and management of their finances and in many cases undermine the very psychological make-up of the ordinary South African.
- The very poor service that the insurance industry has been known to provide.
Personal and Corporate wealth Management was established to respond to this reality and making a difference by minimizing the misery, impact and affect of death, disability, disease and old age to individuals and businesses.
Underlying the above values and beliefs are the core principles of Love, Respect and Honesty for our clients, colleagues and stakeholders.